At the store management page, follow the link Apps > Avada PDF Invoice to set up the following configuration.


1. Store details

From Home > Setting > Store details. Here you can set up general store information to display on PDF Invoice. With this information, customer can easily contact you.


- The information you can set up is Logo, Address, VAT Number, Phone, Email Contact, Registered Number.

- With Logo, please upload the file in** .jpg** or .png format and less than 1 MB in size, you can also set the size for the Logo through 2 fields: Logo height, Logo width.

- Check the Enable bar code check box to enable showing bar code at PDF Invoices.

2. Online Store

Go to Home > Setting > Online Store to configure the print PDF Invoice button in frontend. This button will be shown on the customer's order detail page.


Enable view order on online store: check this box to allow display of print button at online store.

Order template: Select the type of template that customers can view and print when clicking the print button at your online store. There are four templates: Invoice, Order, Refund, Packing Slip template.


Button Label: Enter the label of the button you want to display in the online store. For example "Print PDF Invoice"