Discount Code Generator saves your time and effort in creating your own discount codes in bulk. There are two ways supported:

- Create random codes by pattern
- Import specific codes manually

We will guide you details below:

Create code pool

At Discount Code Pool, click Create pool, then show Code Pool Information page to create new code pool.

Create pool

Code pool information

Title: Here enter a title for the code pool
Discount: Select the discount that has been created at your store
- If there is no discount you want to assign to new code pool, you can create a new discount by clicking Create new discount.
- Check Generate random codes to create discount code according to random
Qty: Enter the number of codes you want to create here
Pattern: Here admin can customize the format for the code. For example: [4AN] means that the code will consist of 4 alphanumeric characters. (AB23, A123, ABC4, etc.)

Import specific codes

- If choose Import specified codes will display the box so the admin can fill out the code as he wants.
Each code must be separated by a line. Can enter an unlimited number of codes.