Customer data
- Click to enter values for the First Name, Last Name, Company fields, etc. that you want to map to accordingly subject on Mailchimp
- To select the suggested values for the fields:
+ Click the icon to see the suggested value
+ Click on the value you want to select from the list of suggestions to add values to the fields
+ If not sure about the added values, leave the default values
Product data
- Enter values for the Title, Handle, Url, Description, Type, Vendor, Published At fields to map with Mailchimp object
- To select the suggested values for the fields:
+ Click on the icon
+ Click on the value you want to select from the list of suggestions to add to the field
+ If not sure about the added values, leave the default values
Order data
- Enter values for the Landing Site, Financial Status, Fulfillment Status, etc. to map with Mailchimp
- To select suggested values for fields:
+ Click on the icon
+ Click on the value you want to select from the list of suggestions to add values to the fields
+ When not sure about the added values, leave the default values