- Click Toggle button to enable/disable Automation email
- Custom PDF File Name
- This is a required field
- Enter the name and correct the name for the PDF File you want to display in the email when sending to the customer
- Note to avoid errors, please save and edit the information in advance and to the end of the file format is .pdf
- Click on Variables to be able to view and insert the suggested values
- Send to only customer
- Click Toggle button to enable / disable sending email automation for customers
- Send Email When
- Click to select when to send mail is Order created, Order fulfilled or Order paid
- Send Customer Reply to
- This is a required field to enter a value
- Enter the email you want to receive customer feedback in this field
- BCC Email to
- Enter the email address where you want to send additional copies of the email to others
- You can enter up to 5 email addresses and they are separated by ","
- PDF Attached Template
- Click and select the template you want to send in the email
- Subject
- Enter the text of the subject of the email
- You can view and insert suggested values by clicking Variables
- Email body: You can view and insert suggested values by clicking Variables
- Send test email:
+ You can send test email after filling all required information in this section.
+ Click "Send test email" then enter the receiver address
Click 'Send" and check the receiver email to preview the result.