1/ Photo Review Reminder

AVADA Photo Review assists you to flexibly custom the review reminder email. You can add more templates, edit, or delete any template that you want.

- Preview: Click to preview email

- Send test email: Send test email by entering email to the textbox and click Send test button

- Load from templates: Click to see more pre-made templates

- Send email for

    - Send email for = Five-star reviews only: Only send email to customers who left a five-star review

    - Send email for = Above four-star reviews: Send email to customers who left four or five-star review

- Click Edit button to adjust email templates as you want

    - Available variables: Show the values that can be used in email template

- Send After: Set the time to send email to customers. For example, Send After 1 days means after a day since the customer writes their review without product images, the app will send photo review reminder to that customer.

2/ Whitelist Domains

This function helps you restrict the display of review widget on the frontend of certain domains. You can enter the domain that you want to show review widget on its frontend.