- Use custom goal: Enable and customize the value at the Freeship goal to replace the original minimum value.
- I have Langify to translate my theme: Check and select the language at Langify locale to display at the store. Before that, your store must have installed the Langify app to use this function.
- Font family: Select a font to display for the free shipping bar.
- Font weight: Choose the weight of the text.
- Font size: Select the size of the text.
- Padding: Adjust the distance between the message and the border.
- Opacity: Adjust the opacity.
- Text Color: The text color displayed on the bar.
- Background Color: The background color of the bar.
- Strong/Italic color: The color of the bold/italic text on the bar.
- Background image: Select the background image for the notification bar. If left blank, no wallpaper will be displayed or you can upload the wallpaper you want.
Device Target:
- All devices: Show free shipping bar on all devices.
- Specific devices: Select one or more devices that you want to display the free shipping bar.
- From date: The date the free shipping bar begins to appear.
- To date: The end date to display the free shipping bar.
- Timezone: Select the time zone. Click Set as your store’s timezone to set the time zone according to your store.
- Country: Select Show on all countries to display the free shipping bar on all stores in all countries. If you don't want to, you can select Show on selected countries to select the country you want to display.
- Exclude page to show: Select the pages that do not want to display the bar, you can choose Custom to enter the page URL you do not want to display.
Note: If you select the same page in Include and Exclude, it will priority Exclude that page.
- Custom CSS: Enter the CSS content you want to modify
- Custom Javascript: Enter the Javascript content you want to modify