When you transfer from another reward point system to our Joy, it is absolutely important to merge  the data and  provide bulk updates to points balances. In this article, we will guide you on how to export customers from Smile.io and Rivo before importing the data into AVADA.

1.  Export customers from Smile.io

  • Step 1: Access Smile.io >  Customers >  Export customers

  • Step 2: At Export customer popup, select your wanted option and hit Export customers button
  • All customers : Export all customers in your store

  • Current page: export customers listed in the current page

  • Customers matching search: Export customers  who matches the search condition

  • Step 3: Click Download CSV 

  • Step 4: Edit the file format before importing the data to Joy app
  •   Open the download file and delete columns except Email and Points Balance

  • Change header from Points Balance to  Points > save the file in .csv format

2. Export customers from Rivo

  • Step 1: Access Rivo > Customer >  Export customers

  • Step 2: Hit OK button >  Download CSV file 

  • Step 3: Format the exported file before importing the data to Joy app
  • Open the download file and delete columns except Email and Points Balance

  • Change header from Points Balance to  Points > save the file in .csv format